Friday, October 1, 2010


Not only me, but I'm rapidly running out of room for all my photos in the Gallery section of the BRB.   I've just started working with another site where there is plenty of room for all my photos (approaching over 1,000) and not only that, but you can get any of those shots on mugs, mouse pads, t-shirts...pretty cool, huh? 

So, what is the name and address of this site of which I speak, you ask?  It's called Sympholio and you can get there from here ~

There are a lot of BRB note cards out there who's photos do not appear in the Gallery and I've been asked how to go about ordering more cards through the BRB if the photo is not in the shop.  There is a number code on the back of each card at the very bottom that identifies that specific card.  You can email or call me with that number and/or the name of the card (also on the back). 

If you didn't get that info before you mailed out the card, don't you worry your pretty little head....just give me a description and I'll do my best to find it.  If I can't pin point it, I'll just email you the choices and you can tell me which one. 

 We'll figure this all out together, I'm not scared.  

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9/15 - Caught In The Act

Oh look ~ here's proof that I really do work! 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

9/2 - Butterflies Are Free

My friend, Pat began raising monarch butterflies this summer.  Yeah, I asked the same thing. 

It's quite an interesting process that takes remarkably less time than you would think from egg to butterfly. 

Their name comes from the gold dots, resembling a crown that circle the top of the chrysalis.

I was fortunate enough to see this beautiful piece of nature and Pat was gracious enough to allow me to photograph her "baby".  I thought you might enjoy seeing it too ~

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

8/10 - Repressed Ramblings

Gosh, it's been quite some time since I've rambled (well, out loud anyway). 

So, what's been happening with everyone?  Hopefully your summer hasn't flitted by like mine seems to have. 

You know that summer is winding down when you see a back to school display at the grocery store.  Peanut butter, jelly, and brown paper lunch bags took up the entire area between the bulk candy and the bakery.  Strategically placed, I'm sure.

Anyway, getting to some sort of point ~ remember the beginning of this journey when I shared some recipes with you?  Well, I'd like to share another one that will take care of that sweet tooth, but not heat up your kitch, because there is no baking involved.  Cooking, yes.  Baking, no.  It's the perfect treat for summer and/or back to school.

My mom made these a lot during the summer.  She called them "No Bake Cookies".  My brother and I 
called them "Cow Plop Cookies" because that's what they looked like to us, which of course horrified mom and because of that we've been calling them "Cow Plop Cookies" ever since.  We're nice like that. 

No Bake Cookies (a.k.a. Cow Plop Cookies)

2C granulated sugar
1 stick butter
2T cocoa
1/2C peanut butter (mom used creamy, but I suppose it will work with on the edge)
1/2C milk
3C rolled oats
1t vanilla

Put sugar, butter, cocoa, peanut butter, and milk in saucepan and cook until it comes to a boil.  Boil 1 minute.  Remove from stove and stir in rolled oats and vanilla.  Mix well.  Drop from teaspoon onto cookie sheet or wax paper and allow to harden.

Yields:  about 40 cookies

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

6/16 - Art Show Ramblings

The Arts & Wine Fest in Kent, which was on the 5th was a great show....for a couple of hours until the rain started....then the tornado alarm sounded...and then the show was shut down.  

Of course the rain (and the tornado alarm) stopped the second all my items were packed up, but then the second I got to my car to bring it to the spot to pack up my items to head home the rain started again.  I honestly thought that I would never get everything dry, including my own self. 

The good news (aside from getting dry again) is that the show has been rescheduled for July 24th.  Don't you worry your pretty little heads, I'll send out a reminder.

This Saturday, the 19th I'll be at the BAYarts "Artistic By Nature" Art Festival.  It's in Bay Village, across from Huntington Park (where there's Honey Hut ice cream!) from 10:00am -4:00pm.  The weather forecast is calling for 90 degree temps, so hopefully my items won't melt from the heat.  I might, though.

And yes, I'll send a reminder about this show as well.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

6/3 - Photo Show

Hi, everyone!

Well, I guess I'm an official-like photographer now that I have a show of my own...nah, I'm still just me. 

But I do have a show of my own at Mojo's Coffee House at 600 Dover Center Rd. in Bay Village. 

My photos (said with snobbishness) will be at Mojo's throughout the month of June.  I tried to pick the pics that would appeal to everyone, so there's quite a variety,  So, would that make this a variety show?  I crack my own self up.

Anyway, hope you can stop in to take a peak at my pics.

Thanks for your continued support!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

4/27 - FOCUS 2010

No, not the's a juried photography competition.

I entered "Cropped Crops" and "Sunset Frets".  Neither won any cash prize, but both were picked out of 234 entries to move on with 38 other photos to the Beck Center for the Arts.

Photos will be on display at the Beck Center (17801 Detroit Ave., Lakewood, OH) May 4-23, with a Host Gallery Award Presentation/Reception on Sunday, May 23rd from 6:30pm - 7:30pm.

Cropped Crops

Sunset Frets

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

4/21 - A Buzzard Is Two Faced

This was taken last summer, but if you take the boat out of the picture (which I could have photo shopped out, but it's way easier for me to make you use your imagination) this was the scene in the back yard last night....wonder if it was the same buzzard.

And I'm quite sure the reason he was out there last night had absolutely nothing to do with the giant ham bone that I put out on the bluff.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

4/15 - TAX DAY

With the Beatles' song "Tax Man" running through my head this morning, I'm thinking (okay dreaming) how nice it would be if the government that's there to help us would offer free postage on tax returns.  Told you I was dreaming.

So, I decided that my version of "I'm here to help" will be to actually help by offerring FREE shipping on all orders placed today and just like the P.O., you'll have until midnight.

Whatcha think?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

4/7 - Note Card Notice

Hi ~

Just wanted to let you all know that if you'd like to see my note cards up close and personal and not have to wait for them to ship to you, they are at Mojo's Coffee House in Bay Village (600 Dover Center Rd, to be exact).  

I've had a display rack there for a couple of weeks and they haven't kicked me out yet, so that's a good sign.

To make your trip worthwhile, they have some really yummy treats (and of course coffee)...and they're computer friendly, so you could make a day of it and stay connected. 

Monday, March 15, 2010

3/15 - The Buzzards Return to Hinckley

Okay, seriously ~ how do they know?

The buzzards coming back to Hinckley reminds me of last summer after we enjoyed our most dee-lish steaks on the grill, I decided to throw the scraps on the bluff rather than putting them in the garbage can to hopefully prevent the varmints from shredding the bags and strewing the contents all over the drive and yard just to get to the table scraps.

The next morning I looked out the back window to see at least a half dozen buzzards circling above the back yard....and the steak scraps were completely gone.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Neither Rain, Nor Snow, Nor Sleet, Nor Hail....

We've had the rain and the snow, but not in that order and if the weather forecast is right ~ more snow.  Days and days and days and days of snow. 

I do like the snow, but I'm starting to go through color withdrawal.  Don't worry about me...I'll be alright.

Sitting here, sipping my coffee and thinking that I should build something today that involves color.  Lots and lots and lots and lots of color.  Perhaps that will help.

And I suppose that I should quit my bellyachin'...otherwise I wouldn't have had this shot.

Eventually, we'll have this again ~

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Never Question The Groundhog

Punxsutawney Phil wasn't kidding around yesterday, was he?  And PETA wants to use a robotic groundhog....sure, that will be better.It started snowing in the afternoon and continued on into the night.  And oh guess what, it's snowing again.  Not that I'm complaining (like that would do any good).

The snow is actually quite beautiful right now while it's still a pristine blanket of white. 

All you snowbirds who have flown south don't know what you're missing (well, yeah you do...otherwise you wouldn't have flown south, right?).


Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Wolf Moon

This full moon will be the brightest of all moons this year and as an added bonus, you can see Mars (but not the candy bar, unless of course you happen to hold one up in front of you....but I digress, imagine that).  Anyway, Mars is to the left of the moon and it looks like a reddish dot.

We saw the moon last night and it was AMAZING.  And we also saw Mars (and no, not the candy bar....but now I sort of want one).

I think it might be the law to howl at the Wolf Moon...better not take any chances, so get out there tonight and howl away! 

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Too Good To Be True

The sun is shining ever so brightly, the birds are singing, the squirrels are scampering, and the lake is actually visible again in the spots where the ice has melted/shifted.....however, the radiator is churning away at full steam (and I keep the heat set at 63).  You just shivered, didn't you Itty Bitty Barbara?  

Anyway, based on the whole radiator thing and the frost on the cars this morning glistening in the sun, I'm thinking that it's going to be deceptively cold out there and I'm putting off becoming one with nature by staying in and looking out. 

At least until the cabin fever sets in.

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Flick Of the Wrist

The Burning River Boutique has joined Flickr!  Here's the link to our page ~