Wednesday, June 16, 2010

6/16 - Art Show Ramblings

The Arts & Wine Fest in Kent, which was on the 5th was a great show....for a couple of hours until the rain started....then the tornado alarm sounded...and then the show was shut down.  

Of course the rain (and the tornado alarm) stopped the second all my items were packed up, but then the second I got to my car to bring it to the spot to pack up my items to head home the rain started again.  I honestly thought that I would never get everything dry, including my own self. 

The good news (aside from getting dry again) is that the show has been rescheduled for July 24th.  Don't you worry your pretty little heads, I'll send out a reminder.

This Saturday, the 19th I'll be at the BAYarts "Artistic By Nature" Art Festival.  It's in Bay Village, across from Huntington Park (where there's Honey Hut ice cream!) from 10:00am -4:00pm.  The weather forecast is calling for 90 degree temps, so hopefully my items won't melt from the heat.  I might, though.

And yes, I'll send a reminder about this show as well.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

6/3 - Photo Show

Hi, everyone!

Well, I guess I'm an official-like photographer now that I have a show of my own...nah, I'm still just me. 

But I do have a show of my own at Mojo's Coffee House at 600 Dover Center Rd. in Bay Village. 

My photos (said with snobbishness) will be at Mojo's throughout the month of June.  I tried to pick the pics that would appeal to everyone, so there's quite a variety,  So, would that make this a variety show?  I crack my own self up.

Anyway, hope you can stop in to take a peak at my pics.

Thanks for your continued support!