Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Auntie Em! Auntie Em!

Or, it could be Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day....man-o-jiminy-Christmas balls, is it windy!  

The waves have just been crashing in from all this wind and I'm thinkin' that there actually could be surf in Cleveland, USA...  anyway, the waves churning up the lake like they have been should make for great beach glass hunting, but maybe later...it's still way too windy and too moist (it's raining) and I have more coffee to drink to think about heading down there right now.  Pretty sure that covers most of the excuses to be a big old lazy butt.

Perhaps I'll hunker in and make a bracelet or a necklace or both.  I did finish that sun catcher that I was telling you about, but there's been no sun for it to catch so that I can take a picture of it and put it in the shop.  It'll come back....I'm not scared.

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